Console (PS4/Xbox) specific list of settlement building mods for Fallout 4.
General Install Instructions
How to install mods from manual downloads, Discord, Google Drive, or using Vortex, MO2, or NMM.
Troubleshooting Workshop Mod Installs
General directions and troubleshooting help for settlement workshop mods.
General Install Instructions NMM
General instructions for manual installs or installing from for community (Nexus Mods Manager) NMM.
General Install Instructions MO2
General instructions for manual installs or installing from for Mod Organizer 2 (MO2).
General Install Instructions Vortex
General instructions for manual installs or installing from for Vortex.
Best of the Settlement Mods
My shortish list of the best settlement mods available (PC focused).
Better Than F76 File Cabinets
Disappointed that premium in F76 gives you a single file cabinet to build? We've got them ALL for the low price of 13 bottlecaps per file cabinet. Make your commonwealth a little more organized! No monthly subscription necessary.
Nexodus Mods New Authorized Locations
Missing mods that were removed from Nexus during the summer of 2021, the Nexodus? Damanding/Crayonkit is now maintaining the list of mods and their new authorized hosting locations.
General Modding Support
Need help with your load order, questions about mods, help with conflict resolution? We suggest Armored Reptile Modding discord for console and Collective Modding discord for PC users.