Mods I've Ported to
- Atlas Summit Redux (Port) by MrColonelMustard
- Brewing Station (Port) by Jason Unruhe
- Cappy Candy Cigarettes (Port) by Fliteska
- CatDeco (Port) by Sarinia
- CC Solar Cannon Fusion Cell Fix (Port) by Lythael
- Chef Patches (Port) by LextalionisRex
- Color Map Collectibles (Port) by VirusZ
- Display and Collectible Themed (Ports) by Multiple Authors
- Ectoplasm Generator (Port) by Selakii
- Grounded Updated (Port & Update) by Sarinia
- Hands Off Lock Settlement Containers (Port & Patch) by KernalsEgg
- Helipads, Helipads with Hazards (Port) by haplessAccreditation
- Homemaker (Port & Update) by NovaCoru
- ITO Settlement Objects Standalone (Port) by micalov
- Lima Detachment (Port) by MrColonelMustard
- Militarized Minutemen Combat Armor Addon (Blue) (Port) by Temmis
- Multiple Mods (Port & Update) by frogprincessQ4
- Multiple Mods (Port) by Glitchfinder
- Multiple Mods (Port, Port & Collab) by KonataInoue
- Multiple Mods (Port, Port & Update) by MunkySpunk
- Multiple Mods (Port) by Niston
- Neo Classic Nuka Cola Replacer (Port) by Deadpool2099 and F4NV Team
- Neo Classic Nuka Cola Nuka Mix Uniques Patch (Port) by Geicorules
- Neo Classic Nuka Cola Standalone w/Nuka Mix Uniques (Port and Update) by Multiple Authors
- Nuka Cola Bubblegum (Port) by iamtenspeed and shreddah4
- Nuka Cola Diet Cans (Port) by Terradyhne
- Nuka Mix Unique Textures (Port) by Yplon
- Rainbow Buttercup (Port) by Fliteska
- Raze My Settlement (Port) by Bionicyardiff
- Retro Aesthetics Institute Overhaul (Port) by ScottyX2
- Santa Strong (Port) by ThisMalkavian
- Slocum's Joe Auto Diner Manufacturing (Port) by spielmirdasliedvomkoks
- Thematic and Practical (Port) by 5Like
- Vintage Nukas (Port) by TheProxyGod
- Wasteland Santa Claus (Port) By Jason Unruhe
- Woodworks and Stuff (Port) by MikMet