

Mod author

Neon Flats Workshop Credits & Permissions

Credits * Crayonkit/Damanding: ESP work, most mesh work other than

Functional Sanctuary Bridge

Repairs the Sanctuary bridge while keeping the postwar textures. Does NOT break precombines!

Functional Sanctuary Bridge Credits & Permissions

Standardized Mod Permissions (applies to all my smaller mods): -Ask

Functional Bridges

Adds bridges to multiple locations to make walking around the Commonwealth or Far Harbor easier. No broken precombines!

Functional Bridges Credits & Permissions

Credits: Jenncave was incredibly helpful and patient in helping me

Fusebox Generator Plus

Adds 8 new fusebox style generators that can handle settlement needs virtually such as beds, water, food, defense, etc. in addition to expanded power generation.

Fusebox Generator Plus Credits & Permissions

Credits: Dukemordred for the original mod idea that I modified

Home Plate Interior Revamped

Improves the architecture inside Home Plate and makes it a little more useful.

Home Plate Interior Revamped Credits & Permissions

Credits: Whisper/bionicyardiff [https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/users/56190202]

Home Plate Exterior Revamped

Mini workshop on the roof of Home Plate with a greenhouse, patio area, bathroom, and safe storage. All decor scrappable.