This includes some (not all) of the items in the Creative Clutter mod as a mod authors resource for those making player homes, Sim Settlements Addon Packs or other mods. Modder Monthly Feature
Many thanks to Bethesda for featuring me on their Monthly Modder article for August 2021!
July 2021 Updates
Updated West Everett Estate Bunker Workshop: Now 100% less trash respawns!
Updated Homeplate Interior Revamped: Now 100% more rebuilt precombines, workshop upgrade, and minor tweaks.
Pre and Postwar Power Armor Displays Wireless Patch
Look ma! No wires with the Pre-/Post-war Power Armor Displays!
Postwar Power Armor Display
Got some power armor rides you want to showcase? We’ve got 30 sweet “postwar” paint designs for the ‘Contraptions’ power armor displays. You can even use these displays to repair and pimp out those power armor rides. They have the same function as the other two Power Armor Workbenches
Prewar Power Armor Displays
Got some pretty power armor rides you want to showcase? We’ve got 30 sweet “prewar” paint designs for the ‘Contraptions’ power armor displays. You can even use these displays to repair and pimp out those power armor rides. They have the same function as the other two Power Armor Workbenches
Postwar and Prewar Power Armor Displays Install Instructions
General instructions for workshop mods
Mod Filenames to Look For
Postwar and Prewar Power Armor Displays Credits & Permissions