Red Rocket Startup Blueprint
Red Rocket Startup Blueprint Download slot 2
Contains: 4 beds, crops for a few people, nuclear power generator, large water purifier, turrets around Red Rocket roof, and includes crafting related benches/power armor stations all gathered together. Intended for people who want a fresh slate to build their own style of base with.
Don't want any requirements? What you'll lose:
Beds (Vault-Tec), water purifier (Wasteland Workshop)
-Added enough crops to support a couple of people
-Added a large water purifier (Wasteland Workshop)
-Added a nuclear generator (near the water purifier)
-Added heavy machinegun turrets on the Red Rocket roof pointing in various directions
-Moved all vanilla crafting benches to the inside of the garage area
-Added 4 clean beds (requires Vault-Tec DLC) to the inside of the Red Rocket office area
Check out my similar startup mod for Sanctuary

My thanks to CDante for Transfer Settlements and TheLich for Place Everywhere, not to mention all the people who contributed to F4SE to make these mods possible.