Slocum's Joe Auto Diner Manufacturing by spielmirdasliedvomkoks

Contraptions Workshop
The items the auto diner can produce all have proper flags for survival mode. And even if you don't play with survival enabled their bonuses are quite useful although not overpowered.
The auto diner won't turn up in your building menu (btw found among the vanilla manufacturing devices) unless you have picked up this vanilla item by finding it in the Slocum's Joe Corporate HQ. I have renamed it from Slocum's BuzzBites recipe to Slocum's Experimental Schematics to reflect the new functions, however the original use is not impacted by this. The new name is the only thing I altered in vanilla. Also the fact you get a Slocum's Joe factory uniform could be considered extremely immersive.
First of all there are two new resources, sugar and ground coffee. You create these from the cooking station under utility. You then feed those and some other stuff to your hungry, hungry auto diner to create: Large Coffee, Iced Coffee, Iced Tea, Cuban Sandwich, Pancake, Melon Donut, SnackPack (a full meal), BuzzBites, Pickmeups (caffeine pills) and your trusty uniform.
Original Mod's Credits
Uses a coffee stain texture resource from the Have a Beer - Animated Drinking mod (open permission)