Neo Classic Nuka Cola Replacer by Deadpool2099 and F4NV Team

Neo Classic Nuka Cola Bottle Design
Neo Classic Nuka Cola Bottle Design

This mod recreates the classic Nuka Cola bottle design from Fallout: New Vegas, ported to Xbox. This version completely replaces the F4 rocket design bottles with the neo classic bottle design.

Requires: Nuka World

Standalone Version

There is a standalone version of the mod created specifically for Xbox that script injects the new bottle design into the same lists used by the F4 rocket bottle design so both designs can be found together. The standalone version also incorporates the Nuka Mix Uniques Textures mod with work by the original uniques texture creator yplon and modification work by Geicorules to fit the different bottle design.

Replacer Patch for Nuka Cola Mix Uniques

This adds the Nuka Cola Mix Uniques textures originally created by yplon and modified by Geicorules.

Additional Functionality

Both the Standalone and Replacer versions support ice cold drinks, Drinking Buddy functionality, and display rack functionality. Both use scripted leveled list injection for maximum mod compatibility.
