Settlement Building Mods Guide
The purpose of this guide is to help you find settlement building goodies you may not know already existed. This covers retextures, themes (like prewar, postwar and Institute building), structural elements, decorative elements (clutter!) and whatever else I think is important enough to add. This guide will not offer full compatibility information but I'll add tips when I know it. I've NOT checked and tested every mod on here so check them yourself.
Mod authors, feel free to Discord PM Damanding to get your mods included but note that I'm not going to add everything, particularly if your mod adds very little or I think another mod does it better. If I added every single mod out there it would take too long, so I'm just going for the best. Also emphasizing less popular themes such as pre-war or Institute. Sorry, this guide is definitely going to be biased.
Console Users
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Using This Guide:
- Click on the mod author's name for complete list of their work for Fallout 4.
- Check multiple sections to find mods: rather than duplicate listing mods in every relevant section I pick the Themes or Everything section over other sections such as Structural or Decor/Furniture if applicable.
General rules of thumb for inclusion:
- Structural building kits
- Clutter objects/décor
- Furniture
- Re-textures that affect the above
- A few useful tools
Not being included:
- Mods I consider too buggy or lacking support (if needed)
- Wall décor such as flags, posters, artwork. There's just too many and I don't feel like policing adult vs non-adult content. There are a couple of exceptions listed however.
- Mods that only add/change a few items only
- Insufficient popularity (unless the items are highly unique).
Base Object Swapper Furniture
These mods swap base game furniture or containers with new versions from various mods and will NOT break your precombines. You can use multiple object swapping mods at once for a wide variety of decor around the wasteland!
- A Variety of Containers - Base Object Swapper by sawe5555
- Capital Wasteland Workshop Pack - Base Object Swapper by Sniper00 (RogueUnicorn)
- Creation Club - Base Object Swapper by Sniper00 (RogueUnicorn) - includes 7 different Creation Club packs, all optional
- Creative Clutter - Base Object Swapper by Sniper00 (RogueUnicorn)
- Its Furniture - Base Object Swapper by Sniper00 (RogueUnicorn)
- Neon Flats Workshop - Base Object Swapper by Sniper00 (RogueUnicorn)
- Old World Plaids - Base Object Swapper by Sniper00 (RogueUnicorn)
- Pristine Workshop Assets - Base Object Swapper by Sniper00 (RogueUnicorn)
- Renovated Furniture - Base Object Swapper by Sniper00 (RogueUnicorn)
- Televisions of the Wasteland - Base Object Swapper by Sniper00 (RogueUnicorn)
- V's Stylish Decor - Base Object Swapper by Sniper00 (RogueUnicorn)
Décor/Furniture - Vanilla Style
Also check the Themed/Everything sections for more
- Akira's Clutter by Kuremea112
- BanCo - Bank of Commonwealth by ghzfba
- Better Cooking Stations by Steve40 - via cloud service
- Better Manufacturing by Wrathmaniac
- Better Vendor Stalls by Kellogsfrostedflakes
- Brahmin and Trade Caravan Post Feed by Heirflick
- Buildable Barricades and Guard Posts by Sakura9
- Build All the Beds by Lapdragon
- Carts of the Commonwealth by Fliteska
- Cattle Feeders Immersively Filled by Temazatl
- Choochoo1's Workshop Framework Displays by Choochoo1
- Clanggedin's Props Factory by Clanggedin
- Colored Workshop Lights by MM137
- Colorful Bottle Lanterns by Glitchfinder
- Craftable Flower Pots by Elianora
- Craftable Greebles by Rebsy
- Crafting Fury 9000 GTX by Elianora
- Crimsomrider's Immersive Market Stores by Crimsomrider
- Crimsomrider's Unique Furniture by Crimsomrider
- CROP- Create Your Own Planter by ghzfba
- Do It Yourshelf Updated by Dinozaurz and Damanding/Crayonkit
- EOL's Children of Atom Decor by Emissaryoflight
- Exotic Harvestables by Frogprincess_Q4 - also available via discord (requires SMM)
- Factory Addon Miners, Refineries, and Assemblers by DarkLord88888888
- Farming Resources by Ceano
- Filled Brahmin Feed and Water Troughs by mmdestiny
- Filled Mods All-In-One by Xnjguy
- Furniture Repair Service by Aurelianis - very similar to Repaired Furniture by Ceano. Slight differences in coverage.
- Functional Displays by SecretAgent99 - Note of caution: the entire contents of two of the mesh folders will cause CTD's. Delete the 'Functional Displays\Data\meshes\props' and 'Functional Displays\Data\meshes\setdressing' folders to prevent crashing. The only effect of deleting those folders is that some vanilla game objects will have moveable instead of static physics. When using weapon displays DO NOT take items directly, use the inventory screen. You can also use the Functional Displays Redone (Patch) that fixes a lot of the bugs by DarkBlackMask.
- Graf's Security Fences by Grafpanzer - compatible with other fence mods, lots of options
- Immersive Vendors by Xgf
- Invisible Furniture by Akarnan
- The Junkyard - Craftable Workshop Junk and Junk Cars by Yeager83
- Just Debris - Craftable Decoration by ScanTheCat
- Manufacturing Extended by Kentington
- Missed Settlement Objects by Kurecore
- Modular Kitchens Updated by Evanpox and Damanding/Crayonkit - has both pre and postwar content.
- MsRae's Horticulture by MsRae - all content is also included in Creative Clutter by Creative Team
- Museum Settlement Displays by YoungestZon
My First Infirmary and My First Laboratory by RedRocketTV- NorthlandDiggers Resources by Ludvig08 - Note of caution: this mod is extremely buggy and should not be used.
- Nuka Mix Lantern Workshop by MunkySpunk - also included in The Bleachers quest mod.
- OCDecorator by McFace
- Old World's Containers and Decoration by Sakura9
- Passive Water Resources by ghzfba
- Playing House by nomadwarmachine via cloud service, requires SMM
- Raider Themed Workshop Add-on BRNB Standalone by JuJooGuppy
- Repaired Furniture by Ceano (still postwar) - very similar to Furniture Repair Service by Aurelianis. Slight differences in coverage.
- Settlement Activity Markers by kitcat81
- Settlement Electricity Overhaul by Sargeschultz11 - Note of caution: this mod breaks the power grid which corrupts save game files and can only be repaired with script extender mods such as Power Grid Tools by Registrator2000
- Shadowflight's Decor Pack by Shadowflight123
- Snappable Clutter and Display by Lonnie667
- Static Object Decorator by Aurelianis - has both pre and postwar content
- Stocked Vendor Counter Display Cases by mmdestiny
- SuperMutantWorkShop by m150
- SWG - Snappable Windmill Generators (Wind Farms) by ghzfba
- Taxidermy & Statuary by Damanding/Crayonkit
- Tiny Workshop Mod by Elianora
- Under Foot - fake floor rugs by LupusYondergirl
- Wallmageddon by Kopfjagger
- Warehouse Kit (No Longer Maintained) by Ghon41
- Warehouse Shelves for components and ammo by Cartman1975
- The Wasteland Garage by Diegonom
- Wasteland Gardening by Glitchfinder - planters are vanilla objects but flowers are new textures & types.
- Wasteland Resources by Bionicyardiff (Whisper)
- Wild Harvestables by Frogprincess_Q4 - also available via discord (requires SMM)
- Wild Plants Farming by Wim95 - available via could service.
- Workshop Bits and Bobs by Timesquid
- Workshop Decoration's Pack by SquallGriever - pair with Workshop Decorations Pack Menu Fix by Burntwater to fix the menu and restore missing items.
- Workshop Junk Wall Pack by SquallGriever
- Workshop Power Pack by Spiffyskytrooper
- Workshop Devices by Zebrina
Décor/Furniture - Custom Content Style
Also check the Themed/Everything sections for more. This section with custom created meshes or textures for a non-vanilla look.
- Apocalypse Supplies by Damanding/Crayonkit
- Barstool Games by Scrivener07 and TheWhiteCollarPlayers
- Beach Workshop by Dikr
- Better Armory Mod by Antistar
- The Bleachers by MunkySpunk - quest mod that also contains a large number of unique workshop buildable items.
- Bottle Crate Furniture by hifoo
- Capital Wasteland Bobbleheads and Mojave Snow Globes by GrilledTurkey (HcGxGrill and TheFriedturkey)
- Capital Wasteland Workshop Pack by GrilledTurkey (HcGxGrill and TheFriedturkey)
- Capital Wasteland Workshop Pack II by GrilledTurkey (HcGxGrill and TheFriedturkey)
- Captain's Workshop Mega Pack 2 by CaptainUltima
- CardBoardWorkShop by m150
- Casino Games - Craps and Roulette by LeahTheUnknown
- The Christmas Mod by Elianora
- Christmas Workshop by NickyTheCat
- Colorful Commonwealth mod series by EsmeraldaF
- Compact Crafting Workbenches by Fadingsignal
- Cozy Beds - with MY BED option by LupusYondergirl - The beds are also included in Old World Plaids if you want to save a spot.
- The Cozy Scavver - A Settlement Workshop Kit by NaiRae
- Craftable Birds by frogprincess_Q4 - also available via discord (requires SMM)
- Creative Gardens by frogprincessQ4 via discord (requires SMM)
- CREAtive Teddy Bears by frogprincess_Q4 - also available via discord (requires SMM)
- CWSS (Craftable Working Sinks & Showers) by Steve40 - via cloud service
- Darts by LeahTheUnknown
- Dynamic Window Blinds by Chuck_Yufarley - Bethesda only for now, author is working on major update of all his mods for republishing (June 2022)
- Enclave Propaganda Pack by TheEnclaveDev
- Enclave Settlement Kit by CoolerThanCoolestGuy
- Fallout 3 Workshop Furniture by BashminScallops (formerly AidanWatts3D)
- Funtime for Settlers Activity Markers (Mats - Rugs) by z80dev There are several activity marker mods (all good), this one adds the most content by a long shot and is the one I recommend as a result.
- HanawaWorkshop by m150
- HZY-furniture and decoration by Zhongyihao
- It's Furniture by Aesfocus
- Karesansui Workshop by m150
- Lima Detachment Workshop Pack 2.0 by WolfeMan2077 - this author has a number of very small workshop mods that didn't make this list you can check out
- Madkea by Madunit
- Memphis Designed Furniture by Konata 90's themed furniture kit
- Minutemen Morale Pack by EvilViking
- More Placeable Workshop Furniture by AidanWatts3D/BashminScallops
- More Power Armor Display Stations by Neeher
- Munitions Settlement Supplies by Fliteska
- NCR Propaganda by DJ3STR480
- Neon Nights by Konata
- Nuka Cola Refrigerated Display Case by Nexussfire - unique models
- Nuka Vending Machines by LegalFelony - unique models
- Old World Plaids by LupusYondergirl
- Photo Rooms Workshop Items by Straw - requires Photo Rooms by TrophiHunter.
- Pimp Workshop by JebuNagazi
- Point Lookout Workshop Pack by MrMadre
- Postwar Power Armor Displays by Terrybeer and Damanding/Crayonkit
- Project Mojave Settlement Objects by MrMadre
- Project Mojave Workshop Pack by GrilledTurkey (HcGxGrill and TheFriedturkey)
- Project Zeta by GrilledTurkey (HcGxGrill and TheFriedturkey)
- Project Zeta Workshop Pack by MrMadre
- Rainbow Of Child BEDS by Frogprincess_Q4 - also available via discord (requires SMM)
- Real Troughs - New Brahmin Feeders by Fadingsignal
- Remnant Workshop Expansion by Wolfeman2077
- Scavvers Settlement Kit by NaiRae
- School Desks by Frogprincess_Q4 - also available via discord (requires SMM)
- SCP Foundation by Fliteska
- Shay Workshop by Konata sweet treats themed
- Simplistic Tents by kitcat81
- Simply Wholesome Mod - Rocking chairs by Niston and there's a Creative Clutter version as well!
- Spirit of Steel - Brotherhood Decor Pack by Saffronrice
- Stage Gear 1-6 by Straw stage gear decor & poses
- Story Action Poses by EngineGaming decor & poses
- Summer Beach by Konata prewar beach themed decor
- Teddies 76 - A Mr. Fuzzy mod by Elianora and CaptainUltima
- TTP's Painting Menu - Color For Your Settlements by TakahashiThePimp
- The Ultimate Islam Mod By Thumblesteen
- Urban Life Reloaded by Straw skateboard park decor & poses
- Unicorn Farts and Godrays Stained Glass Workshop Mod by MunkySpunk
- Useable Turntable by Krisjay various music decor
- V Furniture by Konata
- V's Scavver Art by Vronykah via discord or Bethnet - has both clean and cleanish content.
- V's Stylish Decor by Vronykah via discord or Bethnet - has both clean and cleanish content.
- V's Stylish Decor MyBeds by UNDRCVRGmrLdy
- VVitch Haus by nomadwarmachine via cloud service, requires SMM
- Wasteland Gardening by Glitchfinder - planters are vanilla objects but flowers are new textures & types.
- Working Aquariums by MunkySpunk - will also be included in the upcoming Fens Sheriff's Department mod.
- Working Beehives by MunkySpunk - also included in The Bleachers quest mod.
- WorkShopDashButton by m150 - pair with Snap Points for the buttons by Doombased or an alternative Retexture for the buttons by Ammonhra
- Yufarley Super Entertainment System by Chuck Yufarley
- Yulliah's Home Improvements by Yulliah
Everything and the Kitchen Sink - Vanilla Style
These mods contain large numbers of buildable items in multiple categories such as: structural, furniture, décor, and more.
- G2M's Workshop by g2mXagent
- Homemaker by Novacoru
- Salty Oat Outfitter by fessmods
- Settlement Objects Combined - Lore Friendly by Zorkaz
- Settlement Objects Expansion Pack (SOE) by Ccmads
- Settlement Supplies Expanded by TroyIrving - lots of overlap with Homemaker by Novacoru which has more content.
- Static Objects and Buildings by Lonnie667 - lacks navmesh, the collision is rotated 90 degrees from the item on numerous custom objects.
- Thematic and Practical by 5like
Everything and the Kitchen Sink - Custom Content Style
These mods contain large numbers of buildable items in multiple categories such as: structural, furniture, décor, and more with custom created meshes or textures for a non-vanilla look.
- AK Build Menu by 420silentbob420
- Appalachia Commonwealth by NickyTheCat
- Chuck Yufarley Collection by Chuck Yufarley
- Creative Clutter by Creative Team
- CVC's Dead Wasteland by cVcNEX
- Easy Homebuilder and Working Double Beds by Hozsa via discord
- The Fen's Sheriff's Department Workshop Pack by Munkyspunk and Damanding/Crayonkit
- The Kuro Tab by Kurohux
- MDE2506's mostly colorful and modular hotchpotch and other stuff by mde0815
- RedRocketTV Workshop by Damanding/Crayonkit
- TTP's Settlement Objects by TakahashiThePimp
- Woody's Wasteland Stuff by Woodylicious
- Workshop Rearranged by D81 - Note of caution: this mod heavily alters the vanilla workshop menus and buildable objects affecting mod compatibility. Check mod page for help with mod compatibility.
Institute Theme
- Settlement Objects Expansion Pack by Ccmads - pair with Institute Counters - Better Collisions by DaisukeNiwaKun to fix the Institute vendor counters
- Craftable Institute Stations by Doobot
- ITO Settlement Items Stand Alone by Micalov
- Modern Bobblehead - Robot Stand by Siles
- Modern Magazine Shelves by Siles
- Whisper's Institute Build Kit by Bionicyardiff (Whisper)
Prewar Theme
- CatDeco Floors and More by Sarinia
- Clean Buildings mod series by Dgulat
- Clean Pre-War Workshop Workbenches by Crimsomrider: Use the replacer version of this mod if you want CREAtive Clutter's cluttered workbenches to have prewar textures.
- Clean Settlements mod series by Victorn2 - clean retextures of many vanilla/dlc buildable objects.
- Creative Clutter by Creative Team - has both pre and postwar content.
- Colorful Commonwealth mod series by EsmeraldaF - includes Prefab Houses and Concrete Walls
- Easy Homebuilder and Working Double Beds by Hozsa via discord - has both pre and postwar content.
- Homemaker by NovaCoru and Damanding/Crayonkit
- It's Furniture by Aesfocus
- Just Some Curtains and Rods by Friffy
- Just Some Rugs by Friffy
- Masterwork Architecture Project by Shaostoul
- Minimalist Homewares by Femshepping
- Modular Kitchen by Evanpox and Damanding/Crayonkit - has both pre and postwar content.
- Neon Flats Workshop by Damanding/Crayonkit, Robboten, Terrybeer, et. al.
- Noir Penthouse Workshop by Damanding/Crayonkit, Robboten, Terrybeer, et. al.
- Prewar Buildable Items by katiefrog01
- Prewar Power Armor Displays by Terrybeer and Damanding/Crayonkit
- Pristine Workshop Assets by Scottyx2 - pair with Pristine Workshop Assets SMM Patch and Fixes by LegalFelony
- Rebuild Modular Sanctuary Prewar and Postwar Build Set by ParcelStudioAndGames
- Renovated Decorations by Aesfocus
- Renovated Furniture by Aesfocus
- Renovated Furniture MyBeds by UNDRCVRGmrLdy
- V's Scavver Art by Vronykah via discord - has both clean and cleanish content.
- V's Stylish Decor by Vronykah via discord - has both clean and cleanish content.
- VR Desert Island Extended by Damanding/Crayonkit
- Warehouse Extension Set - Clean by Phoenix46 and Ryanfss - includes Greenhouse and sprinkler kit.
Vault-Tec Theme
- Vault 88 Essentials by Sethnorris23 - this combines most of the features of several of the below older mods along with bug fixes and is what I recommend.
- Al's Vault Workshop (BIG and TALL Vault Windows) by Alundra Compatible with VTWOR snaps.
- Build Your Own Vault by Darthwayne
- Modular Vault 88 Rooms by Nightsodark
- More Vault Signs by jtwitham
- RoNin's Vault Pieces by RoNin1971
- Rusty Workshop Vault Furniture by RedRocketTV is no longer available
- SVE - Sebos Vault Extensions by Sebo85
- Telesonic Farm by ChuckYufarley - themed on the tv show
- Vanilla Extensions by Ethreon - this mod will be incompatible with the snap points of ALL other vault mods. If you wish to use another vault mod in addition to Vanilla Extensions you can delete all vault references using xEdit and remove the vault mesh files from this mod.
- Vault 88 Beds by Aesfocus
- Vault 88 - More Room Items by Ledansefou
- Vault 88 - More Vault Rooms by Sirbalin is no longer available.
- Vault 88 Room Corner's Plus by Nightsodark
- Vault 88 Template - Optimised by RyReZar
- Vault-Tec Workshop Overhaul Redux (VTWOR) by litbeep
- Brahmin by Ceano
- Clean Diners by Scottyx2 - pair with Bob's Iguana Diner by Ethreon to create prewar diners in your settlements.
- Commonwealth Cleanup by Aurelianis - similar to Remove Flat Ugly Trash but much more aggressive in what is made invisible. Can lead to visual glitches like "holes" in the world and bad seams.
- EoW Pre-War Books Retexture by EmissaryOfWind
- Evil Institute HD by bLaCkShAd0w (affects furniture/décor as well)
- Gloomy Institute Overhaul by schlafenszeit (Dex) (affects furniture/décor as well)
- HD Retexture Pack - Miscellaneous Props by DrBrandt
- Healthier Brahmin by Uruchat
- Patch Job Fill Those Holes by StuykGaming
- Remove Flat Ugly Trash by Inawe - see Commonwealth Cleanup for something similar that makes even more trash invisible. This mod doesn't result in the visual glitches that Commonwealth Cleanup can and is thus a good in between option.
- Retro Aesthetics Institute Overhaul by ScottyX2
- Starlight Drive-In And Diner - Lighting by Ceaseless for glowing neon lights.
- V's Book Retexture by Vronykah via discord
Signs, Posters, Flags, Art, and Graffiti
- Art Connoisseur System ... a ''Frame'' work by Zoran07
- CC's HD Standalone Flags by ClearanceClarence
- Chuck Yufarley Collection - More Signs by ChuckYufarley
- Fallout Faction Banners by MrMadre
- Fallout New Vegas Posters and Signs by selassie
- Graffiti 2 Electric Boogaloo by carnageeater
- Gruffyyd's Signs and Posters by Gruffyyd
- Kamuro Neon by hifoo
- Nimrout's Constructible Flags by Nimrout512
- Not Your Average Neon is now part of Chuck Yufarley Collection with updated and optimized models. Bright Lights Big City by ChuckYufarley is no longer available on Nexus but has been replaced with More Signs
- V's Community Art by Vronykah via discord
- Wasteland Workshop Lettering Retexture - Make Your Own Signs by NickyTheCat
Structural - Vanilla Style
Also check Everything and the Kitchen Sink section for more
- Atom's Greatness by Ethreon- church kit
- Auto-Floors by LeahTheUnknown
- Auto Fencing by LeahTheUnknown
- Bobs Iquana Diner by Ethreon - post war diner kit pairs nicely with Clean Diners by Scottyx2 for a pre-war re-texture or Starlight Drive-In And Diner - Lighting by Ceaseless for glowing lights (or use all 3 together).
- Build Your Own Pool (BYOP)by Akarnan - Note of caution: I've been informed that the undressing script is bugged leading to multiple invisible copies of outfits in NPC inventories which will cause increasing save game bloat over time! You can use showers from CWSS by Steve40 via discord and buildable water planes from Settlement Objects Expansion Pack (SOE) by Ccmads instead of BYOP.
- Cheap Building3.00 by BGD00 - cheap in the sense of settlement budget not cost to create. Structurally intact but generally postwar feel.
- Chuck Yufarley Collection - Diner Set by Chuck Yufarley
- Create A Crate by Casputin
- Ground by Wim95 - available via cloud service.
- Grounded (Nexus) / Grounded Updated (Bethnet) by Sarinia, update by Damanding/Crayonkit - Note: Nexus version is outdated.
- Improved Shack Bridges by Darthwayne - overlaps with Vanilla Extensions by Ethreon so pick one or the other.
- Kraggles Structures - Piers Prefabs and Terrain by Kraggle
- The Master Plan by Ethreon - required for most of his mods, there are more than will be added to this guide. Click on the mod author's name for complete list.
- Modern Modulars by StuykGaming
- Nuka World Shopper's Paradise by Ryanfss
- Office and Store Buildings by Hozsa via discord
- Prydwen Build Kit by Katiefrog01
- Retsam's Construction Pack by Retsam
- Shackin' Up - A Prefab Shack Mod by Concurrents
- Snappable Junk Fences by Darthwayne - conflicts with Vanilla Extensions by Ethreon so pick one or load this one last to win over Ethreon's junk fences (may need to unpack this mod to overwrite Ethreon's loose files).
- Snappy HouseKit by Robboten - DLC are a separate mod file.
- Symbiotic Settlements by WarMocK
- Total Snapgasm by CrEaToXx - updates to numerous vanilla workshop items snap points, will conflict with Vanilla Extensions by Ethreon. Doesn't cover as many objects as Ethreon does.
- Vanilla Barn Additions by Ryanfss
- Vanilla Extensions by Ethreon - updates to numerous vanilla workshop items snap points, will conflict with Total Snapgasm by CrEaToXx
- Warehouse Extension Set by Ryanfss
- Whisper's Extra Pieces and Snaps by Bionicyardiff (Whisper)
Structural - Custom Content Style
Also check Everything and the Kitchen Sink section for more. This section contains custom created meshes or textures for a non-vanilla look.
- A Better World Cabin Workshop Pack by ElijahHouck
- Adobe House Kit by TookieJones - pair with Adobe House Kit - SMM Override by TakahashiThePimp for script injected menus.
- AIO Standalone by DDProductions83
- Build Your Own Magic Mushroom Experience by DoubleYouC
- Chuck Yufarley Collection - Barracks Set by Chuck Yufarley
- Chuck Yufarley Collection - Greenhouse Set by Chuck Yufarley
- Chuck Yufarley Collection - Log Building Set by Chuck Yufarley
- Chuck Yufarley Collection - Security Wall Set
- Custom Concrete Walls by Moriartykain
- Custom Concrete Walls with Window Glass by Moriartykain
- Modern Modulars by StuykGaming - replaces Simply Modular Housing
- Remnants Bunker by Kalibkadafi - Enclave building kit included with settlement location
- Snap'n Build by AD3D0 be sure to pair it with Snap'n Build Fixed Navmesh by xxXD4rknessXxx
- Tidy Awnings by Higheverrains
- Tokugawa Workshop by FalloutTokugawa (cVcNex et. al.) - modular Japanese dojo set
- Tokugawa Workshop 2 by FalloutTokugawa (cVcNex et. al.) - modular Japanese summer house
Settlement Tools
Tools to make settlement building and scrapping easier.
- All In One Settlement Solution by DukeMordred
- Auto Doors by Wenderer
- Better Interior Workshops by Bionicyardiff (Whisper)
- Brighter Settlement Lights by Elvani
- Buffout 4 by Fudgyduff - this is more a required mod to play in general vs being settlement specific.
- Clean My Settlement REDUX by Bionicyardiff (Whisper) - safe settlement scrapping, pair with Raze My Settlement
- Clipboard and Clipboard Resurrection by Strukur and Oldbastard42 - use Clipboard Resurrection.
- Fallout 76 C.A.M.P. by Cancerous1 - Note of caution: scrap ALL powered objects before destroying a settlement/picking up the workbench to avoid breaking the settlement system power grid. Repair with Power Grid Tools by Registrator2000 (F4SE mod).
- Faster Workshop (Workshop Lag Fix) by Registrator2000 - can be replaced by Buffout 4 by Fudgyduff which also offers far more functionality.
- Fusebox Generator Plus by Damanding/Crayonkit - alternative to All In One Settlement Solution by DukeMordred with more options and flexibility.
- Glass Roofs Stop Rain and Snow - Various Mod Patches by Huskaron
- Immersive Cleaning by Neoanselmo - safe scrapping mod with precombines rebuilt.
- Import Transfer Settlement Blueprints to ESP by DieFeM
- Increased Build Limit Enhanced 4k by DDProductions83 - or use holotape budget increase options from Raze My Settlement by Bionicyardiff (Whisper)
- Longer Power Lines by Puma361
- Mobile Workshop by SKK - Note of caution: scrap ALL powered objects before destroying a settlement/picking up the workbench to avoid breaking the settlement system power grid. Repair with Power Grid Tools by Registrator2000 (F4SE mod).
- Multiple Floors Sandboxing by Korodic
- NISTRON Electrical And Electronics Engineering Volume 1 by Niston - everything you could ever want related to settlement power in one mod.
- Place Everywhere by TheLich
- Power Grid Tools by Registrator2000 - One tool for repairing corrupted settlement power grids, see also Transfer Settlements by CDante to repair corrupted power grids.
- Previsbines Repair Pack PRP by BenRierimanu (Starhammer) - rebuilds precombines/previs game-wide, includes patches for a variety of mods.
- Quieter Settlements by Lemures32
- Raze My Settlement by Bionicyardiff (Whisper) - safe settlement scrapping, pair with Clean My Settlement REDUX
- Scrap Everything by shadowslasher410 and VIitS - Note of caution: this mod breaks precombines and thus WILL reduce performance, however it is the better choice over Spring Cleaning if you must break precombines.
- Settlement Menu Manager (SMM) by Cadpnq
- Shaikujin's Better warning for settlements being attacked by Shaikujin
- SMM Patches by Vanguard by Vanguardascendant - patches for multiple workshop mods to use SMM.
- Spawn Settlers by Wim95 - versions for vanilla, Sim Settlements, and Minutemen. Also a trigger attack button mod. Available on cloud service.
- Transfer Settlements by CDante
- Transfer Settlements Blueprint Manager by DieFeM
- Visible Idle Markers by Bionicyardiff (Whisper)
- Wireless Workshop Items by Bionicyardiff (Whisper)
- Whisper's Workshop Utilities by Bionicyardiff (Whisper) - Some Place Everywhere features for non-F4SE users.
- Workshop Framework by Kinggath
- Workshop Plus by Kinggath
Other Settlement Mods
These alter the settlements themselves to clean, rebuild, or expand in some way.
- All Settlements Extended by Neeher - these break precombines
- Annex the Commonwealth by 1000101, OstrovackCZ, and Scrivener07
- Clean and Simple Series by TheRealJenn - via discord; these break precombines - pair with (outdated) Previsbines Repair Pack PRP patch by BenRierimanu (Starhammer)
- Clean and Smooth Settlements by Okie182 - Note of caution: this mod has thousands of deleted references, ITM's and other problems, it is not safe to use. Easily confused with Clean and Simple by TheRealJenn which does the same things correctly and safely and should be used instead.
- Deep Clean and Remodel Series by VilanceD - these break but also rebuild precombines, this is one of the recommended series to use. Features buildings pre-fixed.
- Interior Buildings mod series by PurpleRadiation - these break precombines however the Hangman's Alley version can be patched with Hangmans Alley Optimized by Urtho
- Rebuild Settlement Series by Aurelianis - these break but also rebuild precombines, this is one of the recommended series to use. Immersively rebuild the buildings yourself.
- Rebuilt Series Prewar Houses by Rdunlap - these break precombines, the Jamaica Plains one will conflict with the Interior Buildings mod by PurpleRadiation. Can also pick and choose which settlements to rebuild. Note of caution: The Gandalf Windows Repair and Cleaning Service module will cause problems with some window textures in game, most notably some of the walls in Goodneighbor will become see-through that aren't meant to be. If you use the AIO you can skip this option but not all of the standalone mods give you the option to use it without the Gandalf textures.
- Renewal Settlements mod series by Crimsomrider - these break precombines
- Revived Settlements mod series by Femshepping - these break precombines
- Sim Settlements, Sim Settlements 2, and Sim Settlements 2 - Chapter 2 by Kinggath and Teams SS1, SSIR, SSRotC, SSC, SS2, SSC2 - prebuild settlements with city plans or create your own with plots; extensive settlement gameplay overhaul. Plus a large quantity of community developed city plans, plots, and other features: SS1 mod category and SS2 mod category.
New Settlements Quality Guide
Known GOOD settlement mod authors:
- 1000101
- Bionicyardiff
- fftfan
- Glitchfinder
- LarannKiar
- Neeher
- Pra
- Tenhats
- Yagichan
Known BAD settlement mod authors:
Mods by these authors may have been setup incorrectly, contain deleted references, or other known problems. Best to be avoided.
- Greekrage (yes I know his stuff is gorgeous. His older stuff is terribly broken, I haven't checked more recent stuff)
- KazoveinFang
- m0ds1984
- Okie182
- Ragoda