Displays & Collectibles
Want to collect more than just the base game magazines and bobbleheads? Wish you had more to display in your museum of unnatural wonders? Want a Legacy of the Dragonborn Sole Survivor type playthrough? The ever popular "Functional Displays" 1 mod has some serious bugs and shouldn't be used in its current state but there are plenty of other mods out there to help you scratch your collectors itch!
NOT Included
Static displays such as Do It Yourshelf and the great mods by Xnjguy, craftable objects such as MadJJRose's Craftable Novelty Mugs, or replacers of vanilla collectibles such as New Vault-Girl Bobbleheads AIO. I've also not included mods like Creative Clutter which contain multiple unique display stands but do not have displays and collectibles as a primary focus.
Base Object Swapper
Note that several mods have a base object swap optional mod which will swap vanilla items such as burnt books, burnt comics, or misc items with a collectible version from a collectibles mod. It's a great option to collect even more items from the original mod at random! Many thanks to Powerofthree for creating Base Object Swapper and RogueUnicorn00 for pairing Base Object Swapper with multiple great collectibles mods.
All the Things!
- Choochoo1's Workshop Framework displays PC by Choochoo1 - See also CWFD Organized by Babaloo321
- Discover Nearby Collectible Items PC by LarannKiar - There are other mods that do similar things, I like this one best.
- Display Marker - Place Anything [Anywhere] PC / Xbox by Exoclyps
- Ketaros Framework PC /Xbox by Ketaroz - base mod for the Add-On versions of content in Ketaros Treasures. Ketaros Framework and Add-Ons are more up to date and NOT compatible with Ketaros Treasures. - See also Ketaros Framework Fixes.
- Ketaros Framework Fixes PC by by RogueUnicorn00
- Ketaros Treasures Xbox by Ketaros Postcards, trading cards, board games, magazines.
PC by Ketaroz - Contains slightly NSFW (not safe for work) content (non-nude pinup models). See displays for some of the content by other authors in relevant sections such as Postcards and Toys.Outdated see Ketaros Framework and Add-Ons for PC. - Ketaros World PC by Ketaroz - coffee cups, beer bottles, telephones, cigarette packs, tin cans, and more
- Ketaros World - Base Object Swapper PC by RogueUnicorn00
- Millennium Clutter PC by Zorkaz (El Ha) - coffee cups, fans, telephones, basketballs, batteries, pillows, cooking pans, skates, bowls, etc.
- Millennium Clutter - Base Object Swapper PC by RogueUnicorn00
- More Displayable Items REDUX PC by Concurrents
- Museum Settlement Displays PC by YoungestZon - Settlement building displays that unlock based on completed quests and more.
Ammo & Weapons
- Armor Rack Female Mannequin Fix - CBBE - Fusion Girl - Atomic Beauty PC by mc3kowal
- Dog Armor Display Rack-Mannequin PC by BlahBlahDEEBlahBlah
- Super Mutant Armor Display Rack-Mannequin PC by BlahBlahDEEBlahBlah
Bobbleheads & Snowglobes
- Bauble Bobble PC by Demon9ne - features content from Bobble Girl and Vault Girl Bobbleheads
- Bobblehats FO4 Edition PC / Xbox by Chucksteel
- Bobblehead Dollhouse - Bobblehead Stand PC / Xbox by Zorkaz (El Ha)
- Bobbleheads Improved PC by BGD00
- Bobbleheads of the Wasteland Xbox only by Gemini_Void - caution contains direct level list edits
Bobblehead Single Place Anywhere PC by bgd00Removed- Bobblestand - Display Individual Bobbleheads PC by Dutchwindigo
- Capital Wasteland Bobbleheads and Mojave Snow Globes PC / Xbox by HcGxGrill and TheFriedturkey I also recommend the "Fix" mod PC by TheGamerX20
- Commonwealth Snow Globes PC / Xbox by GeminiVoid
- Craftable Display Shelves PC / Xbox by Elianora
- Modern Bobblehead - Robot Stand PC / Xbox by Siles
- New Bobbleheads - More Bobbleheads PC / Xbox by Zorkaz (El Ha)
- New Far Harbor Bobbleheads PC / Xbox by Zorkaz (El Ha)
- New Craftable BobbleHead Displays - Shelves and Animated Skulls PC by DDProductions83
- Single Bobblehead Stand PC / Xbox by Zorkaz (El Ha)
- Quantum Boy (bobbleheads and more) PC / Xbox by Gaunt75 - I said I wouldn't do bobblehead replacers but this one is just too good and comes with other goodies as well.
- Universal Bobblehead Display PC by CrEaToXx
- Craftable Display Shelves PC / Xbox by Elianora
- Nuka Cola Refrigerated Display Case PC / Xbox by Nightshade_Nexussfire
- Nuka-Cola and Vim Display Racks PC / Xbox by Blunderfury - also includes Nuka Mix magazines, robot models, and a few misc. NW objects
- Palmetto Imports - Sunset Sarsaparilla Collection PC / Xbox by Alexerator
- Top Shelf Wetter Wasteland PC by SKtheBA
- Easter Eggs - Gotta catch em all PC by Zorkaz (El Ha)
- Drunken Gnomes - The Gnomepocolypse PC / Xbox by Chucksteel
- Holotape Displays PC by RogueUnicorn00
- Holotape Display Shelves PC / Xbox by Neeher - See also SMM Patch by Vanguard
- Jesters Collectable Zippos Mod PC by ThEjEsTeRoFeViL
- Zippo Lighters Display PC by LegalFelony
Magazines & Books
- Anime Framework PC by RogueUnicorn00
- Anime Magazines - Base Object Swapper PC by RogueUnicorn00
- Beantown Book Club PC / Xbox by AJBURNS
- Book Collector - Philosophy for the Wasteland PC by Guido500
- Book Collector II - Classic Literature PC by Guido500
- Book Collector II - Classic Literature - Base Object Swapper PC by Guido500
- Brotherhood Field Manual PC / Xbox by TurntLogic
- Cats Paw- I read it for the articles I swear PC by chilacinhchila
- Civil Defense Index PC / Xbox by TurntLogic
- Classic Skill Books PC / Xbox by TurntLogic
- Classic Skill Books - Base Object Swapper PC by Guido500
- Comic Collector PC by Despy
- Comic Collector - Base Object Swapper PC by RogueUnicorn00
- Grindable Perk Magazines PC by Nekoyoubi - see comments section for fixed files related to texture issues.
- Ketaros New Magazines PC / Xbox by Ketaroz
- Ketaros New Magazines - Fixed PC by RogueUnicorn00
- Ketaros Missing Magazines PC by Ketaroz
- Magazine Falsifyer PC by Zoran07
- Magazine Rack Extended PC / Xbox by theludd
- Magazine Rack New Texture PC by Prostoorc
- Magazine Unlocks - CC and DLC PC / Xbox by darthvince22
- MDR Crossover Comics PC by bigtyty2278
- MDR Crossover Comics - Base Object Swapper PC by RogueUnicorn00
- Modern Magazine Shelves PC / Xbox by Siles
- New Comics Pack PC / Xbox by Dennis83
- New Vegas Skill Magazines PC by chilacinhchila
- Nice Magazine Racks PC by temazatl
- Note Racks PC / Xbox by nekollx
- Nuka-Cola and Vim Display Racks PC / Xbox by Blunderfury - also includes Nuka Mix magazines, robot models, and a few misc. NW objects.
- Perk Magazines and Books PC / Xbox by Zorkaz (El Ha)
- Real Comics PC by Despy
- Real Comics - Base Object Swapper PC by RogueUnicorn00
- Real Readable Books - Base Object Swapper PC by RogueUnicorn00
- Restored Cut Content Magazines PC w/perks OR PC w/out perks
- Scrounger's Weekly magazine collection PC / Xbox by Yansai
- SL Magazines PC by 13erserk
- Slocum's Buzzbites Recipe Collectible Magazine PC by chilacinhchila
- Vault Dweller's Survival Guide - New Magazines PC / Xbox by Turntlogic
- Wall Mounted Magazine Shelves PC / Xbox by Exoclyps
- West-Tek Power Armor Manual - New Magazines PC / Xbox by Turntlogic
- HR's In-Game Collectible Maps and Display PC by HigheverRains
NSFW: Not Safe for Work Content
All content in this section contains nudity (or is at least skimpy).
You have been warned.
- ADD-ON - Pin-Up Card Series (Skimpy) PC / Xbox by Ketaroz
- Femboys And Firearms Custom Comic Framework (Skimpy) PC by Mintkatze
- Ketaros Framework AddOn - Philon NSFW Cards Series PC by Elliefan
- MONSTERaider - Female Nude Mannequins NSFW (CBBE - Atomic Beauty - Fusion Girl - TWB - EVB) PC by MONSTERaider
- New Fallout 4 Collectible Magazines NSFW PC by Achilles4real29 this author also has replacers for various content. There's also a no respawn patch.
- Sugoi Magazine Standalone NSFW PC by ejdark
- Body Pillows - Base Object Swapper PC by RogueUnicorn00
Postcards, Baseball, Trading Cards
- ADD-ON - Sci-Fi Card Series PC / Xbox by Ketaroz
- ADD-ON - Terror Card Series PC by Ketaroz
- ADD-ON - Western Card Series PC / Xbox by Ketaroz
- Cigarette Card PC / Xbox by Futoshisan
- Donruss Baseball Super Freaks Series PC by NarayanAgarwaen
- Ketaros Cards Addon Tactical Wifus PC by Kewin568 (Knundrum)
Ketaros Treasures - DLC01 The Terror PC by KetarozOutdated see Add-On Terror Card Series- Ketaros Treasures - Postcard Rack PC / Xbox by Exoclyps - short, table top style
- Lootable Ketaros Treasures PC / Xbox by Exoclyps - fixes the postcards to be easier to pickup
- NukaCola Stickers - Ketaros Framework Add-On PC by gegeIII
- Working Postcard Display for Ketaros Treasures PC by HigheverRains - taller, ground style
Power Armor
- Modular Power Armor Display PC by dnfrealtec - glass displays, features smaller sizes
- More Power Armor Display Stations PC / Xbox by Neeher - non-vanilla style, multiple colors
- PAWA - Addon - Collectibles Xbox by 3lric
- Postwar Power Armor Displays PC / Xbox by TerryBeer & Damanding/Crayonkit - vanilla style; multiple colors, commercial, faction options. See also Wireless Patches by bionicyardiff
- Prewar Power Armor Displays PC / Xbox by TerryBeer & Damanding/Crayonkit - vanilla style; multiple colors, commercial, faction options. See also Wireless Patches by bionicyardiff
Retextures: Bobblehead, Magazine, and Weapon Racks (Vanilla)
- A clean Bobblehead Stand texture PC by Quoter1
- Bobblehead Stands of Many Colors Xbox by El_Ahrairah1
- Bobblehead stand retexture PC by prostoorc
- Magazine rack new texture PC by prostoorc
- New Bobblehead Stand PC by PsBoss
- Nuka-World Recipe Books - Magazine Retexture PC / Xbox by Turntlogic
- Nice Magazine Racks PC by temazatl
- Painted Weapon Racks PC by NickDeAthen (Nick Primavera)
Robot Models
- Craftable Display Shelves PC / Xbox by Elianora
- Nuka-Cola and Vim Display Racks PC / Xbox by Blunderfury - also includes Nuka Mix magazines, robot models, and a few misc. NW objects
Robot Model Kit 2K Retextures and Collectible Boxes PC by RedRocketTV
Toys & Games
- ADD-ON - Board Games Collection Series PC / Xbox by Ketaroz - For those who don't see board games and don't want to wait for an update.
Download Ketaros Treasures, extract the file \Meshes\Ketaros\BoardGame.nif from the Ketaros_Treasures - Main.ba2 and copy it to your Data directory.
Ketaros_Treasures - Main.ba2\Meshes\Ketaros\BoardGame.nif -> Fallout4\Data\Meshes\Ketaros\BoardGame.nif Thanks to DrJPolito for the fix. - Collectable Cars of the Commonwealth PC / Xbox by Fretburner
- Collectable Cars of the Commonwealth - Map Fix PC by RogueUnicorn00
- Collectable Cars of the Commonwealth - Base Object Swapper PC by RogueUnicorn00
- Collectable Trucks of Far Harbor PC / Xbox by Fretburner
- Collectible Teddy Bears PC by LeahTheUnknown
- Gruffydd's Pool Table Storage Racks PC / Xbox (yes its part of the Signs mod for console users) by Gruffydd
- Ketaros Treasures - Board Games Shelf PC / Xbox by Exoclyps - New Add-On Board Games Collection Series has its own display
- More Toys (With Bobblehead Keywords) PC / Xbox by Zorkaz (El Ha) (Ported by Chucksteel)
- More Toys - Unofficial Add-on (Base Object Swapper) PC by RogueUnicorn00
- My Little Pony _ Pony Bears PC by PaintHeart
- Radlings Commemorative Baseballs PC by StormingRomans - No display options
- (Snappable) Displayable Toys PC by LegalFelony
- Teddies 76 - A Mr. Fuzzy mod PC / Xbox by CaptainUltima & Elianora
- Teddies 76 - Base Object Swapper PC by RogueUnicorn00
- Teddies 76 - A Mr. Fuzzy mod - SMM Addon PC by RogueUnicorn00 - Includes new display shelf
- Toy Commandos PC / Xbox by Satojo
Need a place to display your collection? I recommend Whisper's Power Armor Basement mod. It's large enough to show off everything on this page in one place!
Want a bunch of settlement décor and furniture in addition to some fun unique displays? Try Creative Clutter!
- If you absolutely require Functional Displays in your life try this Functional Displays Redone Patch mod. Also make sure you follow the instructions on that mod page for deleting some of the mesh files included which cause crashing.