
Credits and Permissions

Seasons Credits & Permissions

History, credits, and permissions for the mod Seasons.

Postwar and Prewar Power Armor Displays Credits & Permissions

Credits: Texture work: TerryBeer ESP/Mesh work: Damanding (Nexus name)

Raze My Settlement Credits & Permissions

Ported with permission of Whisper/bionicyardiff. See Nexus page [https:

Color Map Collectibles Credits & Permissions

This mod was ported to with permission from

West Everett Estates Bunker Workshop Credits & Permissions

Standardized Mod Permissions (applies to all my smaller mods): -Ask

VR Desert Island Extended Credits & Permissions

Credits: Robboten for collision work, vertex painting on the shrubs,

Nuka Dark Rum Credits & Permissions

Standardized Mod Permissions (applies to all my smaller mods): -Ask

Conqueror Map Markers Credits & Permissions

Standardized Mod Permissions (applies to all my smaller mods): -Ask

Cleanish Swan's Pond Credits & Permissions

Standardized Mod Permissions (applies to all my smaller mods): -Ask

Mechanist Lair Elevator Holotapes Easy Credits & Permissions

Standardized Mod Permissions (applies to all my smaller mods): -Ask