Niston Mods

Niston kindly gave me permission to port all of his mods that are able to be used on Xbox to I have not yet ported all of the Xbox ready mods, so more to come!
Permission to port Niston's mods

Access Hatch
Factory Themed Workshop Lights
HAL 5051 PC
Harbor Bee Monorail
Niston's reinterpretation of the fabulous Monorail To Spectacle Island mod by KriticalGuy, made with all permissions. This is a working, rideable monorail between the Castle and Spectacle Island.
No CIT Destruction
The institute must go, but you don't want a hole in the map? Look no further. This is it. Very simple mod that prevents/reverts destruction of the map after you blow up The Institute. Affects the Commonwealth map only. Does not change anything else. Can be installed before or after you take out The Institute.
Settlement Map Marker Fixes
A small, script based mod to fix borked up map markers in your Fallout 4. These bugs are present in vanilla and can affect fast travelling by Vertibird or Fast Travel Mat. Now this mod right here, it'll automatically check the affected map markers every time u load ur game and it'll fix them markers right back up whenever they need fixing. Like, when you use UFO4P's fix but then a mod conflict has accidentally corrupted them markers again.
Shaun Goes To Bed
This mod has Synth Shaun actually use his workshop assigned bed and sleep in it. Shaun stays up a little longer than the other settlers and goes to bed around 1:00AM. He gets up at about 6:00AM with the others. Things like talking to him or ringing the Settler Bell still wake him up ofc. You must quite obviously complete The Nuclear Option Quest and choose to save Synth Shaun before this can work.
Vertibird fast travel support. Consoles to call for a vertibird, helipad support and more.
Verticall for Cambridge Police Department
Verticall for Milton General Hospital
Verticall for Prydwen
Verticall Prydwen Pathing Workaround Patch (don't use if you don't have the problem)
Verticall For Settlements
Verticall Tracking Module for Flyable Personal Vertibird